There are a lot of job sites out there, but these are my top 6 for fundraising professionals because they either focus specifically on fund development positions or are widely used for them.

Whether you are an experienced fundraiser or thinking about breaking into the field, these job sites will help you find the opportunities that are right for you.

1. Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) 

AFP is the leading association for fund development professionals. Aside from their job site, they offer quality professional development, networking and leadership opportunities for fundraisers at all levels. Find a chapter near you.

AFP Job Site

2. The Chronicle of Philanthropy 

In addition to their job site, The Chronicle of Philanthropy is the premiere magazine for fundraising. As a bonus, when you subscribe to their magazine, you also get a subscription to Grant Station, a research tool for grant funding opportunities.


3. Philanthropy News Digest (PND) 

Philanthropy News Digest (PND) is a service of the Foundation Center, an organization dedicated to advancing knowledge of fundraising to support the social sector. Foundation Center has regional chapters that provide resource libraries and professional development classes. In addition, they have a breadth of online resources, including the funding database Foundation Directory.


4. Craigslist 

Despite the risk of scams in other listing areas, Craigslist remains an effective and widely-used resource for nonprofit job listings, including fundraising jobs. Select your city/geography, then under the jobs heading select nonprofit sector, enter your search criteria and start exploring.


5. Work for Good (formerly Opportunity Knocks) 

Unlike many of the other resources, Work for Good is exclusively a job site for the nonprofit sector. With that singular focus, they have increased functionality, like saving your favorite listings.



While Idealist is not exclusively for fundraising or executive positions, it continues to be one of the top sites employers use to list fund development positions.


Bonus Resource


Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN) is a chapter organization dedicated to building a diverse social sector. They provide professional development, leadership opportunities and networking for young nonprofit professionals. They have an email listserv for job opportunities across the United States. Subscribe to [email protected].
